Bullet Liquidity, Right at Your Fingertips
Looking for a smarter way to build, manage, and store wealth online? Buy, sell, and store liquid assets backed by the real value of your own physical 9mm bullets.
How Bullet Vault Works
Bullet Vault's safe, trusted, and transparent platform gives you access to innovative blockchain technology without sacrificing stability or security. Say goodbye to virtual volatility and protect your wealth with real bullets holding real value today.

Backed by Real Value
We only stock top quality US manufactured ammo from companies such as Federal, Remington, CCI, Speer, and Winchester.
On Bullet Vault, there's nothing theoretical about the assets you own. BulletReserves are backed by real bullets that meet the highest SAAMI specifications from only the top US-based manufacturers such as Federal, Remington, CCI, Speer, and Winchester. You can redeem this stable asset at any time for bullets or capitalize on its potential long-term growth in value as a hedge against inflation.
To ensure full trust and transparency, your BulletReserves are secured and ensured separately from daily operations and audited by a third party.

Skip the Smoke and Mirrors

Looking for a smarter way to build, manage, and store wealth online? Buy, sell, and store liquid bullet assets backed by your own bullets. At Bullet Vault your bullets are backed by their real-time market value, this unique, investor-friendly platform puts the freedom and flexibility of 'bullet liquidity' right at your fingertips.
As a member, you can use BulletReserves to redeem your 9mm BulletReserves at any time, purchase other calibers of ammo, make cash withdrawals, or simply sit back and watch your BulletReserves value change in real time.
Want to hedge against inflation?
Your BulletReserves are backed by the long-term stability and predictability of physical 9mm bullets.
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